Monday, March 8, 2021

Courtney Brummet - Brainstorm - Project 2

  1. 1.      Dog searches for Stick. Dog Finds stick. Dog picks up a hatchet
  2. 2.      Man gets down on one knee. Pulls out a ring. Woman turns into Gollum and says “My precious
  3. 3.      Person gets a cut while potting plants. Plants turn into vampire/monster plants
  4. 4.      Van full of kids. Car stops, kids get out. Kids walk into a prison
  5. 5.      Draws a pretty drawing. Flips the image. Looks like a 5 year-old’s drawing.
  6. 6.      Kid looks super excited reading a large history book. Parent is pleased. Kid has put a comic book inside/cut his phone inside
  7. 7.      Person gets a medal. Realizes it’s a participation medal and that everyone has one
  8. 8.      Guy fixes a light bulb. Proudly flips on the light. All other lights go out.
  9. 9.      Fox walks in snow. Fox stops. Fox jumps headfirst into the snow. Fox brings out a bomb.
  10. 10.   Ants are worshiping. There is a tremor in the earth. They turn to find their god, a giant (human).



  1. Descriptions: 2 and 8

    Thumbnails: 1 and 4

  2. Favorite descriptions: 2, 3, and 4
    Favorite panels: rows 3 and 4 from the top

  3. I like descriptions 1 and 8 and thumbnails 3 and 4.

  4. Descriptions: 1 & 10
    Thumbnails: 1 & 2

  5. description: 1 and 8
    sketches: row 1 and row 4

  6. Descriptions: 1 and 3
    Sketches: 1 and 3

  7. description: 5 and 8
    sketches: 4

  8. Descriptions 2 and 3

    THumbnails: 2, 3, and 4 (I really like them, especially the gollum one)

  9. Thumbnails: 1 and 4
    Description: 2 and 4

  10. Descriptions: I like 2 and 7
    Thumbnails: I like 2 and 4

  11. Descriptions, I like 2 and 6
    Thumbnails, I like 1 and 4

  12. I like 1, reminds of the crab that picked up a kitchen knife

  13. Description: 6 and 7
    Thumbnails: 3 and 4


Final critique