Monday, March 8, 2021

Mia Ly - Week 6 - blue circle and project 2 thumbnail

1. Person gets cereal and pours milk into the bowl. There is no more milk. They cry over it. 

2. people stare at something. They love to pet the dog. They fight over it because they don’t want to take turns. 

3. Person looks tired. They relax on the bed. When they have a lot of work to do.

4. Person is sad and doesn’t eat the pizza. Cat comes to the person. Cat eats the pizza.

5. An old man goes to the park with a dog. The dog runs away. He's too weak to chase after it.



  1. Descriptions: 1 and 3

    Thumbnails: 3 and 5

  2. Favorite Descriptions: 2 and 4
    Favorite Panels: row 2 and row 4 from the top

  3. I like 2 and 4 for the descriptions and 2 and 4 for the thumbnails.

  4. Descriptions: 2 and 4
    Sketches: 2 and 4

  5. thumb: 2 and 3
    description: 3 and 4

  6. Description: 1 and 2.

    Thumbnails: 1 and 2

  7. Descriptions: 1 and 4 sound like they can start some great stories! I do think there can be more resolution in some of these descriptions though. (Example: How do they get milk or make up for it?)

    Sketches: 1 (I'm having a hard time choosing another one, I feel like most of these sketches don't have a conflict and resolution shown, I also can't tell what's going on in some of them story wise).

  8. 1 and 4 for both thumbnails and descriptions!

  9. Descriptions: I like 1 and 4
    Thumbnails: I like 1 and 4 again


Final critique